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  • 丝绸之路

    类别: 浏览数: 193

    摘要:最早提出“丝绸之路”这个词的是德国地理学家李希霍芬(F. von Richthofen),在其著作《中国》一书中,将“从公元前114年至公元127年间,中国与中亚、中国与印度间以丝绸贸易为媒介的这条西域交通道路”称为“丝绸之路”,并得到广泛认同和应用。2014年6月22日,中国、哈萨克斯坦、吉尔吉斯斯坦三国联合申报的陆上丝绸之路的东段“丝绸之路:长安-天山廊道的路网”成功申报为世界文化遗产,成为首例跨国合作而成功申遗的项目。此外,人们又将古代中国对外交流的海上航线称作“海上丝绸之路”。

  • 蚕猫避鼠

    类别: 浏览数: 96

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·浴蚕

    类别: 浏览数: 93


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 浴蚕 Bathing silkworm eggs

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·下蚕

    类别: 浏览数: 58


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 下蚕 Hatching

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·喂蚕

    类别: 浏览数: 47


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 喂蚕 Feeding

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·一眠

    类别: 浏览数: 43


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 一眠 First moulting

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·二眠

    类别: 浏览数: 78


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 二眠 Second moulting

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·三眠

    类别: 浏览数: 53


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 三眠 Third moulting

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·分箔

    类别: 浏览数: 56


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 分箔 Dividing the leaves

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·采桑

    类别: 浏览数: 53


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 采桑 Picking mulberry leaves

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·大起

    类别: 浏览数: 51


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 大起 Removing tiny silkworms

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·捉绩

    类别: 浏览数: 59


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 捉绩 Choosing the mature silkworms

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·上簇

    类别: 浏览数: 40


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 上簇 Cocooning

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·炙箔

    类别: 浏览数: 228


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 炙箔 Heating

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·下簇

    类别: 浏览数: 101


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 下簇 Selecting cocoons

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·择茧

    类别: 浏览数: 73


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 择茧 Harvesing cocoons

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·窖茧

    类别: 浏览数: 133


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 窖茧 Store the cocoons in the cellar

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·缫丝

    类别: 浏览数: 139


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him.缫丝 Reeling

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·蚕蛾

    类别: 浏览数: 58


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 蚕蛾 Moth emerging

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·祀谢

    类别: 浏览数: 73


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 祀谢 Offering a sacrifice

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