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  • 清道光粉彩耕织图小盘和清同治粉彩开光人物耕织图扁瓶:耕织图

    类别: 浏览数: 172

    摘要:  粉彩属于瓷器釉上彩。此盘为清代宫廷用瓷器,圆盘上两幅图作一幅图,农耕与桑蚕不离彼此却又界限分明。左为耕作,右为育蚕,各有一诗,皆为宋代诗人楼璹作品。上面一首写耕作,为《耕图二十一首·杼耨》:“雨笠冒宿雾,风蓑拥春寒。破块得甘霔,齧塍浸微澜。泥深四蹄重,日暮两股酸。谓彼牛后人,著鞭无难作(原诗为“作难”)。”下面一首写养蚕,为《织图二十四首·二眠》:“吴蚕一再眠,竹屋下帘幕。拍手弄婴儿,一笑姑反恶(原诗为“一笑姑不恶”。姑:婆婆。)。风来麦秀寒,雨过桑沃若。日高蚕未起,谷鸟鸣百箔。”而一件清同治粉彩开光人物耕织图扁瓶,图像与之几乎完全相同,同样是宫廷用瓷。

  • 清乾隆胭脂地开光粉彩耕织图瓶和光绪珊瑚地粉彩开光耕织图胆瓶:耕织图

    类别: 浏览数: 226

    摘要:  粉彩属于瓷器的釉上彩;开光也叫开窗,是在底色上辟出一片区域用于绘制特定的图像或图案。清乾隆胭脂地开光粉彩耕织图瓶,是清代宫廷用粉彩瓷器,在胭脂红底色上留出方形区域绘画一幅水田景象、一幅织染景象。与之题材相同甚至图像也十分相似的,有一件清光绪珊瑚地粉彩开光耕织图胆瓶,也是宫廷用瓷。

  • 传丝公主木版画

    类别: 浏览数: 285



  • 清《释迦牟尼佛》(绣像):花草纹

    类别: 浏览数: 211


    摘要:这幅《释迦牟尼佛》绣像是唐卡的刺绣形式,为清宫旧藏,绣作时间为 18 世纪。图中释迦牟尼佛端坐在莲花宝座上,纹样取自佛像的袈裟,以红色为地,似用金线绣出花卉纹样。花卉为俯视的六瓣朵花,并向三个方向伸展出曲线的花枝,构成一个纹样单元。纹样四方连续,满地排列。红金的色彩配置,具有鲜明的西藏装饰风格。

  • 清《罗汉图》:涡卷纹

    类别: 浏览数: 142


    摘要:此图为江南地区的水陆画,绘神态各异的罗汉僧众,应为 19 世纪浙江桐乡地区的民间画工所作。众罗汉装束与相貌不同,色彩鲜艳,纹样丰富多彩。此纹样取自一老者身上所披袈裟,以淡雅的灰绿色为地,用白色圆点连续排列,构成一个个涡卷,涡卷中心为深绿色,再向外晕开,逐渐变淡。纹样给人以优美的运动感,尽管构成元素简单,却形成了很好的视觉效果;四方连续,满地排列。

  • 清无款识水陆画:水波纹

    类别: 浏览数: 69


    摘要:此图为江南地区的水陆画,主题未知,应为 19 世纪浙江桐乡地区的民间画工所作。图中人物众多,装束各异,色彩鲜艳,纹样丰富多彩。纹样选自一白须老者身上所穿的裙裳。老者戴冠,上衣下裳,系方心曲领,披红色披帛,双手持笏板。裙裳纹样为简洁雅致的水波纹,水波呈扇形交叠,配色淡雅,清新可爱;四方连续,满地排列。【范方明.桐乡市馆藏水陆道场画集.杭州:西泠印社,2010.】

  • 清《释迦圣像》:几何朵花

    类别: 浏览数: 57



  • 元程棨《耕织图》·剪帛

    类别: 浏览数: 183


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 剪帛 Cutting brocade

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·攀花

    类别: 浏览数: 67


    摘要:程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。 The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 攀花 Jacqarding (王红谊主编《中国古代耕织图》上册,红旗出版社2009年8月第1版,P078,P099)

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·织

    类别: 浏览数: 180


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 织 Weaving

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·纬

    类别: 浏览数: 59


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 纬 Latitude

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·经

    类别: 浏览数: 148


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 经 Longitude

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·络丝

    类别: 浏览数: 111


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 络丝 Silk winding

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·祀谢

    类别: 浏览数: 73


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 祀谢 Offering a sacrifice

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·蚕蛾

    类别: 浏览数: 58


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 蚕蛾 Moth emerging

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·缫丝

    类别: 浏览数: 139


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him.缫丝 Reeling

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·窖茧

    类别: 浏览数: 133


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 窖茧 Store the cocoons in the cellar

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·择茧

    类别: 浏览数: 73


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 择茧 Harvesing cocoons

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·下簇

    类别: 浏览数: 101


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 下簇 Selecting cocoons

  • 元程棨《耕织图》·炙箔

    类别: 浏览数: 228


    摘要:  程棨,安徽休宁人,字仪甫,号随斋,元代画家。生平事迹不详。该图(耕织图)为水墨设色卷轴画,耕图21幅,织图24幅。采用楼璹《耕织图》的整体布局与内容,但并不是照图临摹,而是将每图的重点之处,如人物、农具、牲畜等加以突出,删减了起衬托作用的风景,使主题更加一目了然。在1860年第二次鸦片战争中,圆明园被英法联军烧毁,程棨《耕织图》被劫,辗转易主,流落美国,现存于美国华盛顿弗利尔美术馆。
      The painting on farming and weaving painted by Cheng Qi in Yuan Dynasty.It is the water ink scroll.There are 21paintings on farming and 24 paintings on weaving.This painting uses the overall layout and content of the Painting on Farming and Weaving made by Lou Shu,but it is not the simple simulation,it projects the keypoints of eatch painting,such as the figures and the agricultural tools.It deleted the scene which only set off and made the topic of the painting more clear.In the Second Opium War in 1860,the Old Summer Palace was ruined by the British and French troops,and the Painting on Farming and Weaving drawn by Cheng Qi was robbed.It was finally founded in the USA,now it is collected in Freer Gallery Art of Washington.Cheng Qi came from Xiuning of Anhui,he had the style of Yifu and the alias of Suizhai.He was a painter in Yuan Dynasty and we don't know other things about him. 炙箔 Heating

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